aneta_bielska [:blog]

Bash - survival kit


Table of Contents Getting Started with Bash Essential Commands File Management Process Management Scripting Basics Useful Tips & Tricks Getting Started with Bash Bash is the shell language of choice for many, pre-installed on most Unix-like systems, including Linux and macOS. To check your Bash version, simply open a terminal... Read more

Test types and Ruby libraries


In programming, different types of tests serve unique purposes within a project, each addressing a specific aspect of the codebase. Here’s an overview of the primary types of testing, along with the libraries commonly used to implement them in Ruby. Unit Testing Purpose: Tests individual units or methods in isolation to ensure they function as ... Read more

How to get pretty ruby console output

#ruby #programming

The problem Dull and difficult to read rails console output. Example: > Movie.first Movie Load (0.3ms) SELECT "movies".* FROM "movies" ORDER BY "movies"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] => #<Movie id: 1, title: "Batman", year: 1989, genre: "Action, Adventure", director: "Tim Burton", production: "USA, Great Britain", boxoffice... Read more